Tuesday, January 11, 2011


When I was in first grade, I had to do a poster board project as part of Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" campaign. I had to outline all of the different drugs, including alcohol and cigarettes and talk about how they were bad. However, when it came to the alcohol portion, I was conflicted. I ended up saying "alcohol was bad unless you had one beer a day." That's because my father came home every night at 5 p.m., made himself a little crostini and had a glass of pilsner. I just couldn't prosecute my own father for some innocent beer drinking! Also, when my boyfriend was in elementary school, there was a lecture on the dangers of alcohol. He had a little experience with some curious childhood beer sippage. He raised his hand eagerly waiting for his chance to proclaim what he thought to be true and right. "I've had beer, and I don't understand why anyone would drink it. It's gross." He beamed as he was met with a round of applause from adults and children alike. Let's just say, when he became an adult, his taste buds magically transformed.

I'm OK with a little responsible drinking of alcohol. My parents always said it was an "acquired taste" and over the years, I have acquired it. And now, this taste costs me money because alcohol isn't cheaper than water. I can do $2.99 Charles Shaw from Trader Joe's, and have enjoyed some Target box wine. I can do some cheapish brand name bourbon like Jim Beam. Unfortunately, when it comes to beer, I really love trying out all of the different craft brews. When you're on a tight budget, any consumption of beer, wine or liquor can bring on a guilt trip of monumental proportions. However, along with coffee, it's one of those vices that makes life a little more enjoyable.

Did you know that in the state of Illinois, and many other states, you can shop at Costco and Sam's Club without a membership if you are purchasing alcohol? It has to do with old laws saying that establishments selling alcohol can't require membership or something like that. That being said, I kind of had to protest a little at Costco because employees seem conflicted over the issue. I did, however, make out with an amazing deal on a variety 24-pack of Two Brothers beers sans membership card for $24.99. Two Brothers is a local craft brewery in Warrenville, IL. Currently, the seasonal pack offers Domain DuPage, North Wind, Cane & Abel, and The Bitter End. If I purchased all of these at Chicago's discount liquor store Binny's, this pack would cost me:

Domain DuPage: $8.99
North Wind: Can't find a price anywhere, so let's say $8.99 as a minimum.
Cane & Able: $12.99
The Bitter End: $8.99
Total cost if purchased at another store: $39.96

I saved $14.97 + a bit of sales tax. The total cost of my purchase with tax was $28.23. It comes out to $1.18 per bottle. One of these beers at a bar up the street would be $4 or more + tip.

It's a great deal, makes me feel fancy and is cheaper than a cup of coffee at Dunkin Donuts. I'll allow it.

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